October 2020
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The Buzz

The Emerging Skills Necessary for Modern Work

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The skills necessary to be successful in the modern workplace have changed dramatically over the years and even more so over the past few months. There are emerging skills that are necessary to navigate decentralized workplaces and digital spaces, not the least of which is conflict resolution. According to data scientists, the typical employee in the United States spends a little more than two hours a week dealing with conflict ranging from minor miscommunications to significant personal problems. Focusing on communication that is clear and direct without being confrontational is key to developing this skill. Organizational skills are also becoming increasingly important. This doesn't mean how tidy your desk is but refers to how disciplined you are in thought and communication. Organized individuals are better at time management and remaining productive even in the absence of direct management structures. Finally, writing skills have become more important. Work is conducted primarily through email and productivity apps like Slack and Asana. Those who can communicate well in these spaces are the most successful in their careers.

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