December 2020
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The Buzz

Manager Effectiveness, Employee Engagement Inextricably Linked

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

As the pandemic grinds on, fatigue is setting in. Most employees have adapted to their new remote workflows—for better or worse—and managers are learning how to effectively lead decentralized teams. However, in this dramatically altered landscape, engagement still remains elusive. What is clear, though, is that the relationship between employee engagement and manager efficacy is unchanged. According to a new report from the Achievers Workforce Institute, workers who would recommend their manager are twice as likely to be “very engaged,” and 96 percent of those individuals say their skills are appreciated and their growth is encouraged. “Our data shows that manager effectiveness directly impacts employee engagement, with recognition and professional development playing especially big roles in driving effectiveness,” Natalie Baumgartner, chief workforce scientist at Achievers said. “Organizations need to offer widespread training to all managers to empower them to better lead their teams. If an organization can empower all their managers to be great leaders, they will see direct business impact at every level.”

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