December 2020
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The Buzz

Prioritizing Employees’ Mental Well-Being

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

These are undeniably trying times, and for organizations to weather the storm of the global health crisis, leadership needs to prioritize the mental health and well-being of their workforce. In a recent survey with more than 200 chief human resource officers from across global industries, Gallup has compiled some of the most successful strategies for ensuring employees are resilient enough to carry on. First, expanding employee assistance program offerings is key. Ensure employees have access to mental health care through counseling or therapy and increase access to medical and legal services. Stress has a cumulative effect, and personal troubles will carry over into the workplace unless they are addressed. Surveys can identify high-risk individuals, and direct communication and intervention will demonstrate they are cared for and supported. It’s also important to train managers to have difficult conversations with employees about their mental health. Focus on relationship-building and empathy while giving managers information about the tools available to share with employees who might need it.

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