Kenta Koyama

Kenta Koyama is an Associate Professor at Tokyo Keizai University. He is also a Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC. He got a Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2015. His supervisor was Professor (now Professor Emeritus) Mitsuyo Hanada at Keio University.

Koyama's past professional jobs were Project Research Associate at the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, and Manager at Family House. Family House is a nonprofit organization providing accommodations as a part of total care for hospitalized children and their families far from their homes.

He is interested in exploring new perspectives on organizational psychology and creating a new HR model by integrating the traditional Japanese HR and Career Psychology. His research activities are often conducted in collaboration with Japanese companies and nonprofit organizations.

He received a research award (Shourei-shou) from  Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development.

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