November 2020
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November 2020
The Buzz

Turning Frustration Into Positive Change

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

2020 has been a challenging year. Put that another way: 2020 has been a frustrating year. For many, the abrupt changes brought on by the global health crisis have created feelings of uneasiness, stress, and sadness. However, these negative emotions have always occurred in professional life at one time or another—it just takes a great leader to turn them into motivation. When confronted with a team member who's upset, most leaders view the negative emotion as something that must be quarantined so it doesn't affect the entire team. Or they see it as a problem that they need to quickly solve to get the team member back to baseline. Neither of these approaches is particularly effective in managing team members’ negative emotions or in turning the negativity into a positive outcome. To do this, first label the negative emotion and engage with it. Once the energy underneath the reaction is exposed, help the employee to self-coach instead of self-criticize. Help guide the employee in working their way out of the emotion positively. Finally, take the energy generated by the moment and turn it into action. There is possibility, even in frustration.

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