April 2020
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The Buzz

Commanding Authority in a Virtual Meeting Space

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Even before the outbreak, many employees worked from home, and meetings were still conducted virtually. But virtual meetings versus face-to-face interactions are two different communication methods entirely and come with different challenges. How do you keep yourself from getting lost in the grid of pajama-clad co-workers? First, focus on your camera, not your colleagues. Direct eye contact is an important part of getting your point across, and in a virtual environment, that means looking directly into the camera. This won’t feel natural at first but know that you look more authoritative and commanding when you do. Also, keep your voice strong. Speak slightly louder than normal to convey an air of authority, credibility, and confidence. This will also help you focus on your breath and prevent you from mumbling. Finally, be mindful of how you’re framing yourself and what your background looks like. Simple, uncluttered spaces with your head and the top of your shoulders dominating the screen and a camera at eye level are the best choices to make.

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